Infusions and spices
Fragrant, colourful and exotic. Our pouches keep them that way, ensuring their vibrancy and fragrance.
Infusions and spices add flavour to dishes and drinks thanks to their powerful but fragile taste. Their ability to release aromas and fragrances depends on their delicate storage. Light, heat and humidity are the main enemies of these categories of products, which risk drying out and oxidising the fragments of herbs and roots. Packstyle is well aware of their weak points and knows how to take care of the preservation of these products.
Aluminium and aluminium paper materials block light, preserving the organoleptic qualities of infusions and spices.
Thanks to the re-sealable packaging, there is no need to change the container after the first opening: the zip makes the product last longer, avoiding waste.
The plastic film, the recyclable film, and the recyclable paper have an EVOH barrier that isolates the environment inside the bag from oxygen and moisture.
All our materials are perfect for preserving the fragrance and texture of any infusion or spice.
Our pouches are suitable for many uses, here are some examples
Communicating each fragrance
Use our multi-graphic service and communicate the diversity of each of your infusions by varying both small details and the entire design of your packaging, at no extra cost.
Displaying the product
Colour and vibrancy are unique characteristics of spices and infusions, don't hide them! Show them off by using a transparent window, which is available on all our film materials.
To tell your story
Spices and infusions come from distant lands and have fascinating stories and traditions. Tell them by customising your graphics.
Keeping it fresh
Provide your packaging with a resealable zip to preserve the qualities of your infusions and spices and avoid waste.